Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Nostalgic Book Boyfriends/ Top 5 Wednesday

Nostalgic Book Boyfriends/ Top 5 Wednesday
November 15th, 2017

This week's topic is pretty self-explanatory, we were supposed to pick the book characters that we liked when we were younger. At first, I had a hard time picking characters for this, but then I really thought about my younger self and thought of the characters below. Some have some funny stories to go along with them. I also enjoyed thinking back to my time as an early reader for some of these books and characters. I really had a good laugh thinking about all of this. :)

Top 5 Wednesday is a group created by Lainey of Ginger Reads Lainey on Booktube. It is now hosted by Sam of Thoughts on Tomes on Booktube. Here is a link to the group on Goodreads if you are interested in joining.
5. Prince Caspian from the Chronicles of Narina (in Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair, and part of The Last Battle)- Probably my first book crush, that I remember adoring when I was about ten. The Chronicles of Narnia was a series that I loved with all of my heart when I was young, I still do. My second favorite of the books is Prince Caspian. I enjoyed reading about Caspian growing up and the adventures that he went on throughout the book. Also, he was a daydreamer that always dreamed of escape. He escaped into adventures and I escaped into books.

4. Harry James Potter from the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling- Harry was a character that I briefly had a crush on back a long time ago. I was not going to originally include him on this list, but I guess I have to admit to this. At the age of twelve, I wanted to be Mrs. Potter. It was probably because of his snarky attitude from the later books. I have always enjoyed this side of him. Now almost twelve years later, I can only laugh at this. :)

3. Adam Wilde from If I Stay by Gayle Forman- I first read this when it first came out when I was a freshman in high school. I then read it again in my junior year of high school and Adam reminded me of someone in my life at the time. What can I say, I like guys that can sing. I have yet to read the sequel, I'm kind of afraid that I won't like it as much as I love the first one. Also, I really wish they would have kept the original cover design for the second book. I have always loved this cover.

2. Kostos Dounas from The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants- I read this series all within three days (well besides the fifth which wasn't out at the time) in 2007 when I was in eighth grade. This was probably the quickest I had ever read a series of books up until this point. Kostos was one of my earliest crushes from literature. I had always loved his relationship with Lena and could not get enough of his scenes in the books. In ninth and tenth grade, I would read certain scenes from the books over and over again. His scenes were some of the many that I would do this with. Now looking back on it, I really am not completely sure of what I really liked about him, but I do remember being obsessed with the books and him when I was fourteen. These books were everything to me when I was very young. They will always be special to me for those years.

1. Peeta Mellark from the Hunger Games Series- This was a series that I actually was not interested in reading until a good friend recommended them to me in my senior year. I blame her for my obsession with it. I borrowed each of them from my high school library and read them in three days, in between writing two essays. I specifically remember rewarding myself with another chapter (which became about five) each time I finished writing a paragraph. Needless to say, I became utterly enthralled in this story. One of my favorite aspects of these books was Mr. Peeta Mellark. I had a thing for the baker's son, from his first introduction. He's cunning, caring, smart, and a steady rock for Katniss when she is most vulnerable. I loved seeing him grow throughout the books and was devastated at the end of Catching Fire and in Mockingjay. He was the definition of selfless often willing to sacrifice himself for Katniss. So yeah, he was my favorite part of this series. I'll have to reread these sometime soon, it's been too long since the first time.

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