Tuesday, November 14, 2017

My Writing Process Tag

My Writing Process Tag
Tag Tuesday- November 14th, 2017

Hello everyone, I hope you are having a great week so far. I decided to do another writing tag this week in honor of Nanowrimo (I'm not actually participating, but I'm always writing). For those that don't know, I'm writing a four-book fantasy series and am writing the second book right now. My last tag for last week, Writing Tag, has more information about it if you would like to know more (just click the Writing Tag link). 

The original was made by Kiara from The Bookish Penbabe. Here is a link to her original tag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thNwQivxC7A

1. What genres do you write?
📚 Fantasy and Contemporary

2. What setting gets you the most productive?
🦃 Sitting in my bedroom on my bed, at my desk, or at the kitchen table. I try to keep distractions away and I listen to a lot of music.

3. If you have multiple story ideas, how do you go about picking which one to start on first?
🦉 I usually will pick the story that feels the most important at the time. I have probably eight story ideas (that includes a four book series that I'm working on right now) at the moment.

4. Do you outline?
🍂 Yes, I always have outlined my stories and books.

5. Do you start your first draft with pen and paper, typewriter, or computer?
📚 Computer, but I will write scenes in a notebook with a lead pencil at times.

6. What do you do to get through writer's block?
🦃 I try to set aside time to write each day. Sometimes I don't actually write anything and that's okay. When I am in a writer's block I don't force myself to write because usually what I write during one is not good. I always try to write smaller ideas like poetry when I'm not feeling like writing in my books.

7. Do you format your project from the beginning or worry about that later?
🦉 Format it at the beginning. I try to make sure to have an idea of how it's going to go. That usually comes into the outline.

8. Do you edit as you go or when you've finished with the first draft?
🍂 Edit as I go along. Editing an 80,000-word document or more is daunting.

9. After finishing your drafts/manuscript how long do you give it a break before you start going back over it or do you give it a break at all?
📚 I believe I gave myself a week between finishing the manuscript of my first book before I started really reading and going over it. I did edit and revise as I wrote the novel though. So it wasn't like I really ever was not editing it.

10. Is there something that you prefer to do to get you through writing? (Playing music, tv, having your favorite drink, or food)
🦃 I like to listen to music when I'm writing. Also, I like to drink tea when writing.

11. Do you schedule your writing sessions?
🦉 I try to write at least an hour a day. I have never really scheduled it in.

12. Do you have a word count or chapter goals for your writing sessions?
🍂 Yes, 1000 words but lately I haven't been really stressing it. I believe I'm going to drop it down to 500 words a session and see where I get.

13. Are there any quirky things you do to make your projects more fun?
📚 Nope

14. Do you work on multiple projects at one time?
🦃 I used to when I was in college but I'm really not doing that right now. I really want to be able to focus on this book now. Though I will say that I have been coming up with ideas for later books in the series while writing the first and now the second book.
🦃 I believe that I will be working on a standalone book now along with my series. I will see what's going to happen.

15. How often do you research what you're writing?
🦉 It really depends on what I need research for. Right now, I have been doing research on castles, battlements, and weapons. It has been very informative.

16. How do you organize your projects?
🍂 I use Microsoft OneNote 2016 to make outlines and take notes about future books whether that be in this series or some other project. 
🍂 I have a notebook for notes that I take when I'm not on my computer. 
🍂 For writing, I use a program called Scrivener. It's probably the best program that I have found in my life.

17. Do you reward or punish yourself for achieving or missing out on your writing goals?
📚 No, I don't. The reward I get for finishing something is the fact that I finished it. It might sound silly for non-writers but my greatest gift from all of this is the knowledge that I have written a novel. It's an amazing feeling. 
📚 I don't punish myself because I don't like stressing myself out as long as I continue to write. I'm not going to let myself go for days without writing. 

18. Are there any works similar to your projects that you look for and use-for inspiration and/or comparison? 
🦃 I take inspiration from retellings- for the series I'm working on now.
🦃 I take inspiration from other contemporaries, songs, and my own poetry- for contemporaries that I'm working on.

19. How early do you wait to start looking for and hiring editors?
🦉 I have two best friends from college that have been great assets to my writing over the years. One of them has been helping me with my editing for my first novel. Both of my parents have read my book and helped me with ideas and editing.

20. If you've finished a first draft or a manuscript. Tell us how you felt afterwards. (Pick your favorite) If you're not through the first draft yet tell us how you're feeling about it at the moment. 
🍂 I have finished my manuscript for my first novel. As I have mentioned above, I am feeling proud of myself. It's an incredible feeling having finished a book. Also, being one-fourth of the way through my series. I am enjoying the experience and cannot wait to get further in my second. 

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