Saturday, November 4, 2017

November (Nonfiction/Catchup Month/ Tome Topple TBR) Reading

November (Nonfiction/ Catchup Month) 

For November I am going to focus on Nonfiction books (that I will list below), The ScalleywagAThon, The Tome Topple Readathon, and two audiobooks.  All of the books in this post are books that I would like to read this month, but it will all depend on what happens. I will be spending a good amount of my free time writing. We will see what happens at the end of the month. 

The books I want to read this month. The Language of Thorns, To Be or Not To Be, the I Hate Fairyland graphic novels, Inkheart, The Final Empire, Dear Luke, We Need to Talk, Darth, On Writing, Guards, Guards, and Pyramids. 
Nonfiction books:
I originally wanted to make this month nonfiction November, but have so many other books to read. Eventually, I decided on these two below for my nonfiction books. 

On Writing by Stephen King- This will be my first ever, Stephen King book. I have heard that it is a very good book and since I have been writing so much lately I figured it would be a perfect read especially for Nanowrimo month (No, I'm technically not participating in Nanowrimo but I am going to be writing a lot this month.) 

Dear Luke, We Need to Talk, Darth: And Other Pop Culture Correspondences by John Moe- I have been wanting to read this book forever and am going to finally pick it up this month. It should be quick. 

ScalleywagAThon TBR:
Click on the image to make it bigger.
I first heard about this readathon today and really wanted to participate in it. The books that I am going to read are ones that I wanted to read this month anyway. It goes from November 5th- 11th. This readathon was created by Ali of HardbackHoarder and Amanda of Read All the Books. Here are the links to their videos Ali's and  Amanda's

The Challenges. 
1. You read four books for this readathon. Following the map, you will pick your books that you want to read. 
2. For the first book, you start at 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 and pick one of them. I am planning on number 5: Open Waters- Blue on the Cover. I will be reading I Hate Fairyland Volume Three: Good Girl by Skottie Young. 

3. Next, you follow the lines from that book- It's the white lines for me. So either 6 or 8. I will be doing 6: Jolly Roger-Skull on the Cover. I will be reading To Be or Not to Be by Ryan North: This is a choose your own adventure book taken from William Shakespeare's Hamlet.  I have read some of this before, but have not gotten through all of the choices (and I won't now either). I just really want to read more of this book this month

4. Then I have to follow the orange line from 6 to either A or B. I'm going to pick A: Marooned: Stand-alone. I'm going to read Dear Luke, We Need to Talk, Darth: And Other Pop Culture Correspondences by John Moe.

5. Finally,  I will follow the blue line to 10 Rope's End- Read a book in a Day, where I will read Lumberjanes Vol 3

These are the four books that I plan on reading. I will be doing a Wrap-up for the week sometime afterward. 

Tome Topple Readathon Round 5 TBR! :

Goes from November 17th- 30th. This will be my first time participating in this Readathon and I am very excited to do it. I just hope that I will be able to complete the challenges I want to. Tome Topple is a Readathon created by Sam of Thoughts on Tomes. It is a readathon where you have to read books that are at least 500 pages or more (tomes). Here is a link to her video discussing this: Tome Topple Announcement & TBR| Round 5

The Challenges:
1. Read more than 1 tome: I plan on reading three. We will see if that happens
2. Read a graphic novel (still over 500 pages!): Habibi by Craig Thompson. I have heard that this is very good and I liked his other graphic novel Blankets, so I'm ready. 
3. Read a tome that is part of a series: Inkheart by Cornelia Funke. I want to finish this series this year and to do that I have to read the first book again. This will be the perfect time to read it. Well, at least I hope. 
4. Buddy read a tome: I probably will not be doing this, but we will see. 
5. Read an adult novel: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson, the first book in his Mistborn series. I have been wanting to read his books for a long time and I figured I would try this month. We will see if that happens. 

These are the three books I plan on reading for the readathon. I will be doing a wrap-up on them once I am done. 

These two books below are books that I have to listen to this month to review. They look incredible. 

All the Wind in the World by Samantha Mabry

Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie C. Dao

Other books: 
(If I get to them)

The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo: I have already read and reviewed this book. It's incredible. 

Pyramids and Guards, Guards by Terry Pratchett: These are two books that I'm not sure if I'm going to pick up this month. I may decide to save them for December if I don't get to them. They are really just maybes on the list. I was going to read two each month of the Discworld series, but I don't really care if I do it every single month. They both look great though so I'm not too sure. 

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