Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Movies Tag

Tag Tuesday: 
The Movies Tag
October 17th, 2017
Created by Elimarie on Youtube: 

1. Favorite movie of all time?
    🍂 Stardust which is based on the book by Neil Gaiman

2. Favorite scene from that movie?
   🍂 Captain Shakespeare crossdressing scene. It's hilarious. Also, the scenes with the ghosts are great.

3. Favorite actors/ actresses?
   🍂 Actor: Robin Williams, Mark Hamill, and Brendan Fraser
   🍂 Actress: Carrie Fisher and Julia Roberts
Carrie Fisher

Robin Williams
4. Most annoying actor/actress?
   🍂 Rob Schneider in everything he's in. Also, Tom Cruise

5. Best director?
   🍂 I have to say Tim Burton, at least with his earlier movies.

6. Favorite guilty pleasure film?
   🍂 I don't feel guilty at all for liking this but I guess it's sort of cheesy: My Best Friend's Wedding.

   🍂 Also, The Game Plan, which I adore with all my heart.

7. Favorite tear jerker?
   🍂 My Girl, which is my second favorite movie. This devastates me and it's very beautiful.

8. Character from a movie that scared you the most?
   🍂 Freddy Krueger, 100 % and he still does.

9. Movie you love everyone hates?
   🍂 Mamma Mia, really I don't know if everyone hates this, but a lot of people do. I don't know why I like it but I just do. Also, I agree with everyone that says that Pierce Brosnan can't sing. Trust me, I know. Really, it's funny to laugh at those parts, just listen to "SOS" and you will know what I mean.
(Great now, Dancing Queen is stuck in my head again. Time to listen to the soundtrack again.)

10. Movie you hate everyone loves?
   🍂 The Matrix, I cannot get into it.

11. Favorite movie duo?
   🍂 Han Solo and Chewbacca, really it's no competition.

12. Favorite animated movie?
   🍂 The Little Mermaid or Disney's Hercules

13. Actor/actress crush?
   🍂 Harrison Ford, Leonardo Dicapro, Luke Evans and Brendan Fraser

14. Favorite movie villain?
   🍂 Darth Vader

15. What movie surprised you the most?
   🍂 Shutter Island: I did not think I would like this movie but I really did. It's scary.

16. If you could only keep one movie what would it be?
   🍂 Can I say all of them? No, okay... I guess Stardust. 

17. Movie recommendation and for whom?
   🍂 The Empire Strikes Back- to absolutely everyone. Though if you watch this you should probably at least watch A New Hope and then Return of the Jedi after Empire. So yep I love Star Wars so much.

18. If you could go back in time and marry actor/actress from back when (now old) who would it be?
   🍂 Harrison Ford
   🍂 Brendan Fraser

19. One remake you wish had never been made?
   🍂 Smoky and the Bandit 3: This is technically not a remake. It's more of a sequel but still. I love the first two movies but the last one is pretty awful.

   🍂 A remake I would choose is Dirty Dancing. The original from 1987 is so great and they should have never remade it. Also, I have heard the remake is awful. I know I'll never watch it.
Patrick Swayze was and always will be Johnny.

20. About to die but could only watch one more movie, what would it be?
   🍂 The Little Mermaid or Disney's Hercules

21. Favorite movie genre/ favorite movie from that genre?
   🍂 Action Adventure Comedies: The Librarian Movies, A Knight's Tale, and The National Treasure movies

22. What's the first movie you remember watching in theaters?
   🍂Ice Age, wow that was fifteen years ago.

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