🎞️ Favorite Fancasts (Top Five Wednesday)- September 20th, 2017 📚
Here are the top five actors that I would like to play some of my favorite characters. These are in no particular order.
Top 5 Wednesday is a group created by Lainey of Ginger Reads Lainey on Booktube. It is now hosted by Sam of Thoughts on Tomes on Booktube. Here is a link to the group on Goodreads if you are interested in checking it out.
Top 5 Wednesday is a group created by Lainey of Ginger Reads Lainey on Booktube. It is now hosted by Sam of Thoughts on Tomes on Booktube. Here is a link to the group on Goodreads if you are interested in checking it out.
5.) David Tennant as every character ever. Okay in all seriousness, I would want him to play Death in an adaptation of any of the books in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. I think that he would play the character perfectly and it would be interesting to see him do this role.
It's funny because before I heard that they were actually making Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman into a mini-series, I actually thought David would be perfect for Crowley. So I guess I got one right. I cannot wait for this show.
It's funny because before I heard that they were actually making Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman into a mini-series, I actually thought David would be perfect for Crowley. So I guess I got one right. I cannot wait for this show.
David Tennant as Crowley and Michael Sheen as Aziraphale |
4.) Hailee Steinfeld as Sammie from The Memory Book by Lara Avery: I just think Hailee would play the role of Sammie well.
3.) Ezra Miller as Baz from Carry On by Rainbow Rowell: If there ever a movie made of this book I really would love Ezra to play this part. He, I believe would make the perfect Baz. He is actually who I thought of when I read the book and I never really think of fancasting when I read books.
2.) Chris Colfer as Froggy from The Land of Stories series by Chris Colfer: This is a series that I have mentioned countless times on this blog and that is because I just adore it. I first got introduced to Chris from the tv series Glee. His character was my favorite on the show from the beginning and he is also one of my favorite actors from the show. Then I started reading his books the day that the first book came out and loved his writing even more than the show. It was just the perfect series for me. I believe that Chris would play the character of Froggy well and I am not alone in this idea. Many who love the series feel this way. Now that we know that we are getting a movie series I wish that he would play the part but I know that he doesn't want to. He would be my pick though.
1.) Mark Hamill as The Pillar from the Insanity series by Cameron Jace: This is one of my favorite series. It's self-published on Amazon and I fell in love with it so much. Cameron is a great writer and I love his twist on Alice in Wonderland. This is a creepy series with menacing characters, especially Carter Pillar. Mark Hamill, I believe would be the perfect choice for this character. His menacing voice that he has with his voice acting is incredible and it would just make my day to see him play this part. He could go between the humorous scenes of Professor Pillar and the more brutal scenes well. Also, he's one of my favorite actors of all time so he had to make this list.
YES Ezra Miller as Baz!